Kultura Popullore 2/1990
Published by : Instituti i Kultures Popullore (Tirane) Physical details: 227 f.; 23 cm.
Repertori onomastik - Librazhd
Lirika popullore - Mergimi -Kultura popullore
Folklori shqiptar-Valle shqiptare
Artikuj Studimore-Riza Hyso-Veshtrim mbi raportet e kombetares me krahinoren ne liriken popullore te mergimit-Study Articles-R.Hyso-Survey on relations between national and regional elements in folk lyric of emigration
Artikuj Studimore -Ali Xhiku-Poezia e Naimit dhe disa aspekte te kultures popullore shqiptare (ne 90-vjetorin e vdekjes)-Naim's poetry and some aspects of albanian people's culture (on 90-th anniversary of his death)
Artikuj Studimore-Fazli Syla-Disa vecori gjuhesore dhe poetike te poezise sone popullore-Some linguistical and poetical characteristics of our folk poetry
Artikuj Studimore-Elida Bucpapaj-Hiperbola ne Eposin e Kreshnikeve - Hyperbole in Kreshnics Epos
Artikuj Studimore-Albert Doja-Aspekte te pasqyrimit te marredhenieve shoqerore ne folklorin e lindjes-Some aspects of the reflection of the social relations in birth folklore
Artikuj Studimore-Elira Cela-Tradita popullore dhe qendrimi ndaj fesene periudhen e Rilindjes sone Kombetare-Folk tradition and the attitude towards the religion during our National Renaissance period
Artikuj Studimore-Andromaqi Gjergji-Dukuri te reja ne repertorin omomastik te rrethit te Librazhdit -New phenomena in the onomastic repertoire of Librazhd district
Artikuj Studimore-Mark Tirta-Nga simbolika ne artin e zbatuar popullor -From symbolics to applied folk art
Artikuj Studimore-Abaz Dojaka-Famillja shqiptare dhe zhvillimi i saj historik- The Albanian family and its historical development
Artikuj Studimore-Xhyher Cani-Ornamentika ne punime te argjendareve shkodrane-Ornamentics in the works of silversmiths from Shkodra
Artikuj Studimore-Koco Miho-Ndihmesa e kuadrit vendas ne procesin e aklimit te arkitektures sone nga terreni praktik ne ate te projektuar(1920-1938)- The contribution of the Albanian specialists on the process of transition of our architecture from the practical ground to designe
Artikuj Studimore-Ferial Daja-Karakteri modal-tipar i rendesishem i polifonise sone popullore-The modal character -important feature of our folk polyphony
Artikuj Studimore-Hysen Filja-Per nje zhaner te lashte te muzikes sone popullore-On an ancient genre of our folk music
Artikuj Studimore-Ramazan Bogdani-Tipare te vallezimit popullor shqiptar ne rrafsh krahinor-features of the Albanian folk dances from the regional point of view
Year: 1990
Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
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Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur | 05:398(=18)/KUL.2/1990 (Browse shelf) | Available | 2717 |
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