Kultura Popullore 1/1989
Published by : Instituti i Kultures Popullore (Tirane) Physical details: 204 f.; 23 cm
Folklori kombetare - Veshja Popullore -
Korca urbanistika
Folklori - Etnografia
Folklori - Etnografia
Artikuj Studimore-Dalan Shapllo-Poezia popullore per Luften Antifashiste Nacionalclirimtare ne pervijimet e saj gjinore dhe artistike-A survey on folk poetry of Antifascist National Liberation War
Artikuj Studimore-Qemal Haxhihasani-Lufta e Fushe -Kosoves(1389) ne epiken popullore shqiptare- The Fushe -Kosova Battle (1389) in Albanian folk -epic
Artikuj Studimore-Andromaqi Gjergji-Takime nderetnike ne artet e aplikuara te vendeve te Ballkanit-Interethnical contacts in applied arts of Balkan countries
Artikuj Studimore-Ali Muka-Pervoja popullore ne ndertimin e baneses-Folk -Experience in the building of dweling houses
Artikuj Studimore-Mark Tirta -Ndihmesa e Gjecovit ne gjurmimet per mitologjine e besimet popullore-Gjecovi's contribution to the collection of folk-mythology and beliefs
Artikuj Studimore-Kujtim Shkreli-Rreth shtegtimit dhe kontaminimit te kenges popullore-On the migration and contamination of folk-songs
Artikuj Studimore-Aferdita Onuzi-Tekstile te lehta te krahines se Lumes-Wollen textiles in the region of Luma
Artikuj Studimore-Ferial Daja-Kenget rituale pranverore te grave ne Shqiperi-Women's ritual spring songs in Albania
Artikuj Studimore-Hysen Filja-Ne kerkim te filleses intonative te kenges sone-In search of intonative origin of our song
Artikuj Studimore-Dhori Qiriazi-Aspekta te lashtesise dhe evolucionit ne liriken tone popullore-Aspects of antiquity and evolution in our folk lyrics
Artikuj Studimore-Anton Berisha-Fillet e njohjes se letersise gojore shqipe ne gjuhen gjermane-Albanian oral litterature in German language studies
Artikuj Studimore-Mahir Domi;Gjovalin Shkurtaj-Gjuha,letersia dhe kultura popullore ne shtypin e sotem arberesh-Language ,litterature and peoples culture in contemporary Arbereshi press
Year: 1989
Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
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Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur | 05:398(=18)/KUL.1/1989 (Browse shelf) | Available | 2719 |
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