Your search returned 13 results.

1. Classical songs for children by Duncan, Ronald Publication: New York Bramhall House . Kapak kartoni , Arrangements by Percy Young Ilustrations by Milein Cosman 23 cm. Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
2. Kultura Popullore - 1-2 2014   Publication: Tirane: Botim i Qendres se Studimeve Albanologjike, 2014 . 201 f. 23 cm. Date: 2014 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
3. Communication Understanding / Misunderstanding Volume I by Tarasti, Eero Publication: Helsinki International Semiotics Institute 2009 . 670 f. 21.5 cm Date: 2009 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
4. Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding Vol.3 P-Z   Publication: Helsinki International Semiotic Institute,Imatra Semiotic Society of Finland 2009 . 1975 il 21 cm. Date: 2009 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
5. Philipp Otto Runge : by Traeger, Jörg, Publication: Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1987 . 91 p., [1] folded leaf of plates : 19 cm. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
6. Creatività musicale e scuola / by Calì, Leonardo. Publication: Bari : Levante, 1993 . 237 p. : , Rev. ed. of: Creatività come educazione. 1972. 23 cm. Date: 1993 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
7. Die Gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit der Kinder in der bildenden Kunst :   Publication: Berlin (West) : Elefanten Press, 1986 . 400 p. : , Exhibition catalog. | "EP ; 32." 30 cm. Date: 1986 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
8. Classical songs for children, by Harewood, Maria Donata (Stein) Lascelles, Publication: [London] Blond Educational 1965 . 126 p. 25 cm. Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
9. The spectrum of music.   Publication: [New York] : Schirmer Records, 1980 . 9 sound discs : , Schirmer Records: P915080 (P15081-P15089). | Brief record. 12 in. Date: 1980 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (6),
10. Mother courage and her children : by Brecht, Bertolt ; Publication: New York : Grove Weidenfeld , 1991 21 cm. . Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
11. Zur Theorie der Unterrichtssprache. by Priesemann, Gerhard. Publication: Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verl. Schwann , 1971 . 250 p. 21 cm. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
12. Children's Corner : by Debussy, Claude Publication: Munchen: G. Henle Verlag, 1983 . 29 f.; 31 cm. Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
13. Gyermektancok = Children's dances : for the Black Keys : Fekete billentyukve : Piano solo by Kodaly, Zoltan Publication: London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1947 . 28 f.; 31 cm. Date: 1947 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
Projekt i realizuar më Tetor, 2011.
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