Your search returned 409 results.

201. Les Levine : by Levine,Les Publication: Paris: Gelerie Montaigne , 1990 . 28f. : 20cm. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
202. Libellule by Vidali ,Roberto Publication: Trieste : Juliet Editrice, 1995 . 39f. : 29cm. Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
203. Timur Novikov :   Publication: Vienne : Musee D'Art Moderne , 1991 . 4 v. : , Cover title. | German, French, and English. | Prepared for a series of exhibitions and other events called Interferenzen, held in Vienna in Jan.-Feb. 1991, and organized by the Museum Moderner Kunst in collaboration with the Französisches Kulturinstitut in Wien and the Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung. 21-27 cm. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
204. Zweitakt :   Publication: Berlin : Kupfergraben Verlag, 1990 . 208 p. : , Exhibition of the Verband Bildender Künstler Berlin and the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Berlin held at Ausstellungszentrum am Fernsehturm, Dec. 12, 1990-Jan. 13, 1991. 30 cm. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
205. WARM :   Publication: Minneapolis, Minn. : WARM, Women's Art Registry of Minnesota, 1984 . 103 p. : 21 x 23 cm. Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
206. Voi siete qui:   Publication: Roma: Istituto Svizzero di Roma, 1989 . 168f. : , Ex Cartiera ,Roma 17 giugno-16 luglio 1998 25cm. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
207. Symposium hohenwerfen 1990   Publication: Salzburger : Bundesministerium fur Unterricht ,Kunst und Sport unterstutzt , 1990 . 48f. : , Babette Berger,Tassilo Blittersdorff,Hellmut Bruch , Ilse Haider ,Bernd Koller ,gabriele Konsor,Elusabeth Lauf,Manfred Makra,Beppo Pleim 23cm. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
208. Keith Arnatt : by Arnatt,Keith Publication: Sao paulo: The British Council, 1991 . 13f. : 32cm. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
209. The edge of awareness.   Publication: Milano : Charta, 1998 . 217 p. : , "An international itinerant exhibition of contemporary art organized by Art for the World for the 50th anniversary of the World Health Organization in Geneva, New York, São Paulo, New Delhi, 1998-1999"--P. facing t.p. verso. | Half title: Art for the World; World Health Organization, Organisation mondiale de la santé, 50 1948-1998. | Text in English and French. 27 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
210. Gardner's art through the ages. by Gardner, Helen, Publication: San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986 . xii, 1008 p. : , Cover title: Art through the ages. | Includes index and glossary. 28 cm. Date: 1986 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (2),
211. Comédies et mystères / by Raynaud, Patrick. Publication: Paris : J. Damase, 1985 . 172, vii p. : , Cover title: Patrick Raynaud, comédies et mystères. 23 x 25 cm. Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
212. Patrick Raynaud, 1988 : by Raynaud, Patrick. Publication: Montb©♭liard : | Valence : | Carcassonne : Centre d'art contemporain de Montb©♭liard ; | Mus©♭e de Valence ; | Mus©♭e des beaux-arts de Carcassonne, 1988 . 61 p. : , Cover title. | Exhibitions held at the Centre d'art contemporain de Montbeliard, Mar. 12-Apr. 30, 1988, the Mus©♭e de Valence, Mar. 15-Apr. 17, 1988 and the Mus©♭e des beaux-arts de Carcassonne, June 10-Sept. 15, 1988. 30 cm. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
213. Hans Bellmer. by Bellmer, Hans, Publication: Paris, Centre national d'art contemporain, 1971 . 95 p. 28 cm. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
214. Virginia Dwan et les nouveaux realistes :   Publication: [Paris] : Galerie Montaigne, 1990 . 1 volume (unpaged) : , "Arman, Klein, Raysse, Niki De Saint-Phalle, Tinguely." | Includes exhibitions programs for Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, 1959-1967; Dwan Gallery, New York, 1965-1971. 24 cm. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
215. Mario Giacomelli by Giacomelli ,Mario Publication: Denain: Centre Regional de la Photographie Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 1987 . 18f. : 19cm. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
216. Alberto Giacometti visto por los fotografos /   Publication: [Madrid] : Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof©Ưa, Ministerio de Cultura, 1990 . 147 p. : , Exhibition catalog. 29 cm. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
217. Patrick Tosani : by Tosani, Patrick, Publication: Rochechouart : Le Musée, 1988 . 64 p. : , English translation of the text ([6] p.) inserted. 24 cm. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
218. Figurations:   Publication: Frejus: Comite D'Animation Et D'Action Culturelles , 1987 . 66f. : 23cm. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
219. Les arts et la vie:   Publication: Paris: UNESCO, 1969 . 171f. : 33cm. Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
220. Montparnasse vivant. by Crespelle, Jean Paul. Publication: [Paris] Hachette 1962 . 319f. : 24 cm. Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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