Your search returned 32 results.

1. Cuno Amiet/ by Amiet,Cuno Publication: Zurich: Buchclub Ex Libris und Editions Rencontre, 1971 . 126f.: 20cm. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
2. Henry Fuseli, 1741-1825. by Fuseli, Henry, Publication: [London, Tate Gallery, 1975 . 143 p. , Exhibition shown also at Hamburg Kunsthalle and the Petit Palais, Paris. | Translation from the German by Sarah Twohig. | Texts by G. Schiff and W. Hofmann. | "Catalogue [by G. Schiff]": p. 51-138. 30 cm. Date: 1975 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
3. Arnold Bocklin: by Bocklin,Arnold(1827-1901) Publication: Basel: 1987 . 143f.: , ` 24cm. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
4. Trois générations d'artistes :   Publication: Paris : La Musée, 1979 . [76] p. : , Cover title: 3 générations d'artistes. 22 cm. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
5. Helmut Federle : by Federle, Helmut M. Publication: [Basel] : Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel, 1985 . 102 p. : 27 cm. Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
6. Ferdinand Hodler, 1853-1918   Publication: London, Arts Council, 1971 . 3-55 p. 20 x 22 cm. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
7. Pierre Haubensak : by Haubensak, Pierre, Publication: Chur : | Fribourg : Das Kunstmuseum ; | Le Musée, 1983 . 132 p. : , French and German. | Exhibition catalog. 28 cm. Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
8. Otto Meyer-Amden :   Publication: [Bern] : Kunstmuseum Bern, 1985 . 208 p. : , Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Kunstmuseum Bern, Nov. 15, 1985-Jan. 26, 1986; Kunsthalle T©ơbingen, Feb. 15-Mar. 30, 1986; Centre culturel suisse, Paris, Apr. 15-May 25, 1986. | "Katalogredaktion: Andreas Meier"--P. [2]. | Checklist of works exhibited, 12 p., inserted. 28 cm. Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
9. Patrick Rohner /   Publication: [St. Gallen] : | [Glarus] : Kunstmuseum St. Gallen ; | Kunsthaus Glarus, 1998 . 55 p. : , Exhibition catalog. 28 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
10. Theo Eble : by Eble, Theo, Publication: Basel : Die Galerie, 1988 . 75 p. : 22 cm. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
11. Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe Ducros : by Ducros, Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe, Publication: Milan : | Lausanne : Skira ; | Musée des beaux-arts, 1998 . 131 p. : 28 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
12. Johannes Itten und die Höhere Fachschule für textile Flächenkunst in Krefeld. by Thonnissen, Karin. Publication: Krefeld : Stadt Krefeld, 1992 . 180 p., [8] leaves of plates : , Catalog of an exhibition held at the Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld, Feb. 23-Apr. 5, 1992. 24 cm. Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
13. Urs Jaeggi, Figuren : by Jaeggi, Urs, Publication: Zürich : Arche, 1991 . 159 p. : 28 cm. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
14. Alice Bailly : by Bailly, Alice, Publication: Wien : R. Schwarzwaelder : | Galerie nächst St. Stephan, 1985 . 63 p. : , P.-A. Jaccard's essay in German and French. 27 cm. Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
15. Frank Buchser, a Swiss artist in America / by Buchser, Frank, Publication: Athens, GA : Georgia Museum of Art, 1996 . ix, 101 p. : , Exhibition: Georgia Museum of Art. 29 cm. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (2),
16. Bauernmalerei rund um den S©Þntis /   Publication: Z©ơrich : Offizin, 1994 . 263 p. : 29 cm. Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
17. Invisible paintings and drawings / by Jakob, Bruno, Publication: Aarau : Aargauer Kunsthaus, 1991 . 45 p. ; , Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Aargauer Kunsthaus Sept. 28-Nov. 10, 1991, and at the Museum Moderner Kunst May 9-June 7, 1992. Includes blank pages representing invisible works. | Text in English and German. 27 cm. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
18. Max Gubler. by Sigerist, Daisy. Publication: [Zürich,] | (Lausanne,) Bachclub Ex Libris; | Editions Rencontve, 1970 . 128 p. 22 cm. Date: 1970 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
19. Sei Maestri Sviceri della Scuola di Parigi   Publication: Napoli: Museo principe Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes, 1977 . 70f. : 23cm. Date: 1977 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
20. Erika Lehmann: by Lehmann,Erika Publication: Hong Kong : Mandarin Oriental Fine Arts, 1996 . 65f. : 25cm. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur (1),
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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