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Kultura Popullore 1-2/2009

Published by : Botim i Qendres se Studimeve Albanologjike (Tirane) Physical details: 301 f.; 23 cm.
Subject(s): Periodike | Artikuj Studimore-Miaser Dibra-Veshtim psikologjik mbi personazhet e kengeve te kurbetit(kenget nga shek.XlX deri ne Luften II Boterore)(vijon nga numri i kaluar) -Psychological survey to the caracters of the emigration songs (from the XlX century until the Second World War) ( following from the last number) | Artikuj Studimore-Agron Xhagolli-Prespa-hapesire perbashkesish dhe vecanerisht folklorike shqiptaro- maqedone-Prespa -a space of commonand special folk elements between Albanians and Macedonians | Artikuj Studimore-Aferdita Onuzi -Veshjet popullore shqiptare ne Kosove-Albanian popular clothing in Kosova | Artikuj Studimore-Mark Tirta-Dukuri mitike ne folkorin shqiptar-Mythical phenomena in Albanian folk | Artikuj studimore-Nebi Bardhoshi-Teoria etnografike e Rrok Zojzit mbi te drejten kanunore.Nje veshtrim kritik-Rrok Zojzi's ethnographical theory on canon law.A chritical survey | Artikuj Studimore-Adem Zejnullahu-Kanga''Musa i Vogel'' dhe balada muslimane e vallazerve Moriqi-The song ''Musa i Vogel'' (Little Musa)and the muslim ballad of Moriqi brothers | Artikuj Studimore-Klodian Qafoku-Dixhitalizimi i materialeve zanore ,si proces i rendesishem i trashegimise kulturore shpiterore-The digirtalization of the vocal materials-an important process for the spiritual and cultural inheritance | Artikuj Studimore-Zymer Neziri-Epizmi antroponimik ne krahinat e Rrugoves-Anthroponimical epism in Rrugova region | Artikuj Studimore-Gerta Dalipaj,Eckehard Pistrick-Tradita ne ndryshim .Festa dhe trapeza e sotme ne Shpat te Elbasanit,sprove per nje antropologji te transformimit-Traditions in the evolution. The actual celebration and table in Shpat Elbasan-an essay towards transformational anthropology | Artikuj Studimore-Drita Isufaj-Paralele mes ciklit tone te Kreshnikeve dhe eposit francez-si pjese te suaze se cikleve te vjetra paramesjetare e mesjetare te Europes-Comparative parallels between our Kreshnik(valiant men)Cycle and the French Epos as parts of the frame of the old European ante-Medieval and Medieval cycles | Artukuj Studimore-Armanda Hysa-Vendi i pazarit te vjeter ne planet urbanistike per zhvillimin e qytetit te Tiranes ne kuader te reformave madernizuese (1923-1959)-The old market site in the urba plans for the dvelopment of Titana City in the scope of the modernization reforms (1923-1959) | Artikuj Studimore-Manjola Xhaferri-Pazari i vjeter i Krujes dhe funksionimi i tij ne ditet e sotme -The old market of Kruja end its actual function | Artikuj Studimore-Armand Zacelici-Te dhena historike rreth muzikes ne qytetin e Elbasanit gjate periudhes se pushtimit otoman-Historical data abaut music in the city of Elbasan during the Otoman occupation
Year: 2009
Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Serials Serials Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur
05:398(=18)/KUL/2009 (Browse shelf) Available 2722
Serials Serials Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur
05:398(=18)/KUL/2009 (Browse shelf) Available 2700

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Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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