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Kultura Popullore 1-2/2010

Published by : Botimi Qendres se Studiemve Albanologjike (Tirane) Physical details: 305 f.; 23 cm.
Subject(s): Tradita shqiptare | Periodike -- Kenga popullore | Artikuj Studimore-Mark Tirta-Simbolika e bukes ne traditat e shqiptare nder shekuj -Bread symbol in the Albanian tradition throught centuries -- Artikuj Studimore-Agron Xhagolli-Folklori dhe folklorizmi-Folklore and folklorism -- Artikuj Studimore-Aferdita Onuzi-Fotografite e vjetra shqiptare dhe vlerat e tyre etnokulturore-The ancient Albanian photos and their etno-cultural values | Artikuj Studimore-Miaser Dibra-Kenga popullore deshmi e zonave te prekura nga fenomeni i emigracionit ne Shqiperi(shek.XlX deri ne gjysmen e shek.XX)-The folk song an evidence of the areas affected by the emigration phenomenon in Albania (XlX century until half of the XX century) -- Artikuj Studimore-Vasil Tole-kengetimi me variacione ne ''Eposin e Kreshnikeve''-The singing with variation in the ''Epos of Kreshniks -- Artikuj Studimore-Lulzim Mema-Imazhe etnografikene pikturen e kultuvuar shqiptare-ethnografic images in the Albanian Applied Picture | Artikuj Studimore-Nebi Bardhoshi-Per nje antropologji te modernitetit shqiptar-For an anthropology of the albanian modernity -- Artikuj Studimore-Frida Dragusha-Elememte arkitektonike tradicionale dhe turizmi kulturor-Traditional architectural elements and the cultural tourism -- Artikuj Studimor-Irena Gjoni-Kulti i ullirit dhe kulti i detit ne zonen e bregut te Detit te Jonit-The cults of the olive and the sea in the region of Ionian Coast -- Artikuj Studimore-Klodian Qafoku-Shqyrtime mbi transkriptimet muzikore te shumezereshit vokal tosk-Analyses on the musical transcriptions of Tosk vocal polyphony -- Artikuj Studimore-Orjona Shegaj-Ndikimi i Kanunit te Laberise ne dasmen tradicionale labe-The influence of the Kanun of Laberia in the traditional wedding of this region -- Artikuj Studimore-Eduart Nurka-Trashegimia Kulturore Shqiptare dhe turizmi-Albanian Cultural Heritage and the Tourism -- Artikuj Studimore-Agron Xhagolli-Musine Kokalari edhe studiuese e etnokultures shqiptare-Musine Kokalari,the first Albanian researcher in Ethno-culture
Year: 2010
Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Serials Serials Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur
05:398(=18)/KUL.2010 (Browse shelf) Available 2701

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Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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