Kultura Popullore 1-2 / 2011
Published by : Botim i Qendres se Studimeve Albanologjike (Tirane) Physical details: 298 f.; 23 cm.
Ceshtje te folklorit shqiptar
Etnolog -Rrok Zojzi
Etnograf - Keti Harito
Veshje popullore
Artikuj Studimore-Miaser Dibra-Kontradikta komike ne ''Kengen e plakut te dasmes''-The comic contravention in the ''The wedding 's old man song ''
Artikuj Studimore-Aferdita Onuzi-Veshjet popullore ne Lume dhe Has-The folk costumes in Lume and Has
Artikuj Studimore-Agron Xhagolli-Etnia dhe folklori,funksione perafruese mes popujve-The ethni and folklore .Similarities among people
Artikuj Studimore-Agim Bido-Mjeshterite artistike popullore gjate tranzicionit shqiptar(1990-2010)(Vazhdimesi nga tradita dhe prirje te modernitetit)-The handicarafts during the Albanian transition (1990-2010) (a continuity from the tradition and the trend to modernity)
Artikuj Studimore-Rezana Konomi -Perola-Statuset e Shkodres -nje kushtetute humaniste arberore ne fund te Mesjetes-The statutes of Shkodra -a humanist constitution at the end of the Medieval
Artikuj Studimore-Abaz Hado-Veshjet popullore dhe elemente te tjera etnografike ne pikturan shqiptare-The folk costumes and other ethnographic elements in the Albanian painting
Artikuj Studimore-Nebi Bardhoshi-Analize e raportit lidhje gjaku-martese-An analysis of kinship-marriage rapport
Artikuj Studimore-Armanda Hysa-Mbi studimin e qytetit ne etnografine shqiptare te periudhes socialiste-On the study of the city in the albanian ethnography of the socialist period
Artikuj Studimore-Ermela Broci-Autencititeti dhe turizmi-The authenticity and tourism
Artikuj Studimore-Olsi Lelaj-Nje analize kritike e studimeve etnografike shqiptare mbi shoqerine e ''real socializmit''ne Shqiperi-A critical analysis of the albanian ethnographic studies on ;;real socialism''society in Albania
Year: 2011
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Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur | 05:398(=18)/KUL 2011 (Browse shelf) | Available | 2702 |
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