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Kultura Popullore 1-2 / 2012

Published by : Botim i Qendres se Studimeve Albanologjike (Tirane) Physical details: 380 f. 23 cm.
Subject(s): Periodike | Folklori - Kenget Kreshnike | Etnokultura | Etnografia | Artikuj Studimore-Agron Xhangolli-Kenget e krashnikeve nder shqiptare:shqyrtime te reja-Tje song of Frontier Warriors (Kenget e Kreshnikeve) among Albanians -New reviews -- Artikuj Studimore-Aferdita Onuzi-Dukuri etnokulturore ne veshjet tradicionale te Shestanit(Kraje)-Ethno-cultural phenomenon in traditional outfits of Shestani (Kraja) -- Artikuj Studimor-Miaser Dibra-Bukuria e nuses ne kenget e ceremonialit te dasmes-Bride's beauty in the songs of wedding ceremony -- Artikuj Studimore-Nebi Bardhoshi-Kujtesa sociale dhe funksionet e saj ne ditet e sotme .Etnografi e kujteses dhe e kufirit-Social memory and its functions nowdays:Ethnography of memory and border -- Artikuj Studimore-Klodian Qafoku,Olsi Lelaj-Tipet dhe format e shumezereshit vokal toske .Proletarizimi ,shteti dhe shoqeria .Reflektime mbi natyren e modernitetit ne Shqiperi-Types and forms of Tosk vocal polyphony . The State ,society and the proletarianization process:A critical discussion on the nature of modernity in Albania -- Punim Doktorature-Suzana Turku-Marredhenia e kendimit koral me folklorin shqiptar-The relationship of choral singing and Albania folklore -- Punim Doktorature-Edmir Ballgjati-Mbi gjendjen e studimeve per kengen shkodrane-On the studies about Shkodran song -- Punim Doktorature-Behar Arllati-Dasma e kthyer ne mort .Nje vajtim sa prekes aq dhe i bukur.(Vezhgim per Kangen e Rexhes)-The wedding ceremony turned into mort.A lament as touching as beautiful(survey on song of Rexha) -- Punim Doktorature-Sabina Vaqarri-Praktika te ritualeve paramartesore ne ceremonialin e dasmes tiranase.-Practices of pre marriage rituals in the wedding ceremony of Tirana -- Punim Doktorature-Riselda Sejdija-Perjetimi artistik estetik ne vallen came-Artistic esthetic experience in Cham dance -- Konferenca Shkencore-Agron Xhagolli -Qemal Haxhihasani-figure emblematike e albanologjise-emblematic figure of albanology -- Konferenca Shkencore-Orjona Shegaj-Ndihmesa e Qemal Haxhihasanit per baladat shqiptare-Qemal Haxhihasani's aid on Albanian balads -- Konferenca Shkencore-Miaser Dibra-Kontributi i Qemal Haxhihasanit per studimin e lirikes popullore shqiptare-The contribution of Qemal Haxhihasani on the study of Albanian folk lyric -- Konferenca Shkencore-Mark Tirta-Mitologjia shqiptare ne kerkimet shkencore te dijetarit Qemal Haxhihasani-Albanian mythology in the researches of Qamil Haxhihasani -- Konferenca Shkencore-Aferdita Onuzi-Festat e fundvitit ne vemendjen e studimeve te Q.Haxhihasanit-The holidays in the attention of Q.Haxhihasani studies -- Konferenca Shkencore-Valter Memisha-Ndihmesa e Q.Haxhihasanit ne fushen e gjuhesise-Q.Haxhihasani's aid in the field of linguistics -- Konferenca Shkencore-Hamit Xhaferi-Evokim kujtimesh per Q.Haxhihasanin,mesuesin qe solli driten ne Pollog-Memory evocation ,Q.Haxhihasani the teacher who brought light in Pollog -- Konferenca Shkencore-Bardhosh Gace-Kontributi i prof.Qemal Haxhihasanit ne mbledhjen ,botimin dhe studimin e epikes legjendare-The contribution of Prof.Qemal Haxhihasani in the collection,publication and study of the legendary epic
Year: 2012
Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Serials Serials Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur
05:398(=18) (Browse shelf) Available 2703

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Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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