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Obligato : untold tales from a life with music

by Hirschmann, Ira
Published by : Fromm International Pub. Corp. (New York:) Physical details: 133 f.; me il. 24 cm. ISBN:0880641541. Year: 1994
Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Books Books Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur
78/Hir. (Browse shelf) Available 68166

Full contents:
Ch. 1. The Secret Behind First Broadcast of the Philharomonic
Ch. 2. Creation of the New Friends of Music
Ch. 3. Toscanini Revelations
Ch. 4. Artur Schnabel - Enduring Personality
Ch. 5. Fighting Furtwangler Perfidy
Ch. 6. Two Genuises of the Podium
Ch. 7. La Guardia and Music
Ch. 8. WABF-FM - Dream Station
Ch. 9. Music in Ankara.

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