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Books Books Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Hapur
741.02/Way (Browse shelf) In transit from Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Mbyllur to Biblioteka e Universitetit te Arteve - Fondi i Hapur since 07/19/2023 65172

Ways of Drawing brings together a sophisticated, exciting range of reflections on markmaking by practising artists, teachers and writers. From explorations of how it feels to draw and personal accounts of artistic development, to short, imaginative propositions for looking, understanding and experiencing afresh, this collection repositions drawing as a vital creative and intellectual endeavour. The book is divided into three sections: 'Studio Space', which focuses on drawing within four walls; 'Open Space', which ventures out into the cityscapes and landscapes around us; and 'Inner Space', which returns to the living, feeling, drawing person. Each section is comprehensively illustrated with a wealth of drawings, prints and paintings by faculty and alumni of the Royal Drawing School, works by established artists past and present, and photographs of artists at work.

Mënyrat e vizatimit bashkojnë një gamë të sofistikuar, emocionuese reflektimesh mbi markimin nga artistë, mësues dhe shkrimtarë praktikues. Nga eksplorimet se si është ndjesia të vizatosh dhe tregime personale të zhvillimit artistik, te propozimet e shkurtra, imagjinative për të parë, kuptuar dhe përjetuar nga e para, ky koleksion e ripozicionon vizatimin si një përpjekje jetike krijuese dhe intelektuale. Libri është i ndarë në tre seksione: 'Studio Space', e cila fokusohet në vizatimin brenda katër mureve; 'Hapësirë e Hapur', e cila del në peizazhet e qytetit dhe peizazhet përreth nesh; dhe 'Hapësira e brendshme', e cila i kthehet personit të gjallë, ndjenjës, vizatimit. Çdo seksion është i ilustruar në mënyrë gjithëpërfshirëse me një mori vizatimesh, printimesh dhe pikturash nga fakulteti dhe ish-studentët e Shkollës Mbretërore të Vizatimit, vepra nga artistë të njohur në të kaluarën dhe të tashmen, dhe fotografi të artistëve në punë.

Includes bibliographical references (page 264) and index.

To start... / Julian Bell -- Studio space. Focusing on the individual / Ishbel Myerscough ; The life room / Thomas Newbolt ; Looking and listening / Eileen Hogan ; Skill and vision / John Lessore ; The gallery as visual dictionary / Ann Dowker ; Drawing from ancient sculpture / Ian Jenkins ; Modelling / Isley Lynn -- Open space. From the studio to the street / Timothy Hyman ; Learning the city / Liza Dimbleby ; Buildings as objects in space / Martin Shortis ; Other people's terrain / Mark Cazalet ; Covering the ground / William Feaver ; Finding and making in open country / Daniel Chatto ; Nature up close / Clara Drummond -- Inner space. Stroke, body, space / Ewan Clayton ; Graphic medicine / Emily Haworth-Booth ; Drawing from film / Catherine Goodman ; Walk the line / Sarah Pickstone ; Text and image : where two rivers meet / Sophie Herxheimer ; Being drawing / Dilip Sur.

Ways of Drawing brings together a sophisticated, exciting range of reflections on markmaking by practising artists, teachers and writers. From explorations of how it feels to draw and personal accounts of artistic development, to short, imaginative propositions for looking, understanding and experiencing afresh, this collection repositions drawing as a vital creative and intellectual endeavour. The book is divided into three sections: 'Studio Space', which focuses on drawing within four walls; 'Open Space', which ventures out into the cityscapes and landscapes around us; and 'Inner Space', which returns to the living, feeling, drawing person. Each section is comprehensively illustrated with a wealth of drawings, prints and paintings by faculty and alumni of the Royal Drawing School, works by established artists past and present, and photographs of artists at work.

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Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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