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L'analyse harmonique en exemples de J.-S. Bach à Debussy;

by Dommel-Diény, Amy.
Series: Her L'harmonie vivante, . t. 5 Published by : Delachaux & Niestlé (Neuchâtel,) Physical details: v. music. 21 cm. Year: 1967

Vol. 2 has imprint: Éditions musicales Transatlantiques, Paris. Vol. 6: Édition A. Dommel-Diény.

Includes bibliographies.

fasc. 1-2. Jean-Bébastien Bach.-- fasc. 6. Mozart, Beethoven.--fasc. 7. Chopin.--fasc. 8. Schumann.--fasc. 9. Schubert, Liszt.-- fasc. 11. César Franck.--fasc. 12. Gabriel Fauré.--fasc. 13. Fauré.-- fasc. 16. Debussy.

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