Communication Understanding/Misunderstanding Vol. 2 K - O
by Tarasti, Eero
Published by : International Semiotics Institute, Imatra Semiotic Society of Finland (Helsinki) Physical details: 1267 f.; 21.5 cm ISBN:9789525431223. ISSN:1235497X
Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Semiologjia -
Muzika boterore - Konferenca -Semiotika - Grate
Muzika Boterore - Strukturalizmi - Egzistencializmi - Semiotika
Muzika Boterore -Semiotika - Leksikografia
Eva Kohana - Enhancing signal strength in later life throught technology
Katerina Kajannes - possibilities of misunderstanding- Agnes Kapitany e Gabor Kapitany - The interiorization of social events and facts by means of symbols
Kim Soo Hwan -Montage vs photogenie - Karel Kleisner e Anton Markos - Mutual understanding and misunderstanding in biological systems mediated by self- representational meaning of organisms
Tarja Knuuttila - An absent encyclopedia? meaning making according to Umberto Ec tiina Koivisto - Metaphors of energy and force in Brian Ferneyhough's music.vassilena Kolarova - Interpictoriality and intermusicality
Nikolary Komedchikov - The evolution of map language - Evangelos Koudis -
Evangelos Kourdis - Traductions interlinguale et intersemiotique dans un message
Peter Kravanya - Intermedialites proustiennes dans Rendez - vous a bray, un film d'Andre Delvaux d'apres la nouvelle Le roi cophetue de Julien Gracq
Grigory Kreydlin - Nonverbal communication in dance, theatre and art
Katalin Krob e Peeter Torop - Dialogue of estonian and Hungarian literary semiotic approaches
W.G. Kudszus - Friesdrich Nietzsche's late notres and Wilhelm Roux- Pirjo Kukkonen - Women in semitoics
Alexandros Ph.Lagopoulos e Karin Boklund - Lagpoulous- Non - communication systems: Signification and referent
Timo Laiho - Post - structuralist insight and the time -dependent structure of the sign- Jussi Lassila - semiotic commodities or nationalistic pathos/ Yunhee Lee - symbolic mediation and dialogical communication
Yunhee Lee - symbolic mediation and dialogical communication
Otto Lehto - humanism, existentialism,semiotics- sara lenninger - In search of differentions in the developing of a picture sign
Massimo Leone - Iranian taarof and Italian cerimonie - Saihong li - Semiotics and ancient history
Anna Lofstrom - a model of written miscommunication - Maarja lohmus - On publicity and reflexive journalizm
Giuseppe Lugano - Anna Kamarainen - Tero Heiskanen - Mobile communication: The misunderstanding user
Pentti Maattanen - Secondness and the limits of conventionality - Juan Magarinos de morentin - Los bordes de la semiotica - Charalampos Magoulas - Figures rhetoriques : obstacle ou facilitation de la communication- Leena Makela - Marttinen - fatal misunderstanding in timo K. Mukka's short story tabu
Katya Mandoki - A war of symbols in the political arena - Culturomes and negentropic processes - Russ Manitt - At the crossroads of significance and insignificvance
Russ Martinelli - At the crossroads of significance and insignificance - Dario Martinelli - Notes on the theoritical program of biosemiotics or What exactly and i doing her.
Rita Mascialino - The dynamic spatiality of udnerstanding and misunderstanding
Apostolos Matsagkos - Ludisme et violence dans les converstaions entre jeunesgens en Greece
Jean - Claude Mbarga - Entente/ mesentente dans le cadre de la diversite culturelle a l'ere de la globalisation
Marga Van Mechelen - The sign-ificance of showing in sign -ificant pictures
William D. Melaney - Kristeva's subject in process: From structure to semiotic criticism
Kerstin Mickelsson - entrepreneurship and communication
Anneli Mihkelev - literary dialogue in the literary text - Valentina Miraglia - effets de sens qu'un object singulier a d'un point de vue semiotique sur la realilisation d'un film dit de genre historique
Susana Moreno Fernandez - misunderstandings in ethnomusicological research - Audrey Moutat - Vertus et limites de la mecomprehension dans le processus d' interpretation des commentaires cenologiques- Josep Muntanola - the hidden semiotic - chronotopic core of architecture - Volker a. Munz - language and misunderstanding Benghenissa Nacer eddine - L'image de l'Autre - lina navickaite - martinelli - Semiotic identity of a performer - Leopoldo neri de Caso - An approach to the poetic of the guitar.- Hiroyuki nishina - capturing bodily actions by modal predicate logic
eilish O' Donohoe e Howard Riley - a systemic - functional semiotic model for the analysis of image/ text works ...1209- Paolo - odoardi - text - interpretation and memory: what semiotics can say about remembering a tale - Ulla Oksanen - How pictures address us - Guillerma olivera - Mediatizacion y vanguardias esteticas: Los anti happenings argentinos 1965 -1968 - bruno Osimo - translation as misunderstanding - gustaf Ostberg - Eclectic reflections on incompatibilities in sociotechnical systems.
Year: 2009
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