Communication Understanding / Misunderstanding Volume I
by Tarasti, Eero
Published by : International Semiotics Institute (Helsinki) Physical details: 670 f. 21.5 cm ISBN:978- 952-5431-22-3. ISSN:1235-497X
Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Semiologjia
Muzika boterore- Teoria e muzikes - Kompozicioni- Semiotika - Semantika
Nadia Ablib -Comprendre la communication touristique; Tutku Akter power relations and construction of knowledge
Teoria e muzikes - Kompozimi - Artikuj studimore- shkencore - Semiotika
Peter Allingham - Autostadt- Cars,aethetics, and movement; Redica Amel To use vs, to invent signs; Fernando Andacht - Reflections on an indexical Brazilian TV fable
Celia Maria Antonacci Ramos Graffiti: Polemic and protest in urban spaces; Alessandro Arbo Comprehension esthetique vs comprehension semiologique: Quels enjeux?; Michiko Arima How we lose memory in aging; John Ole Askedal - Semiotic reflections on the visual art of Brian Jungen
Kristian Bankov- Bankov's razor.Some critical remarks on biosemiotics
Jacob Banuelos - Analisis de la espectacularizacion en You Tube: Brodcast Yourself
Josep Barcons - The existential dimension of the phatic function in - Arnold Schonberg's moses und Aron
Pierluigi Basso Fossali - Dispositifs de mesentente dans l'Hamlet de Shakespeare
Cristina Bayon Garcia e Hector Fernandez Bahillo- Misunderstanding technology: Vommunication and pedagogy in the L2 classroom
Mirta Bialogorski - Campo semiotico y campo artesanal: El juego de las transformaciones y los bordes
Bernard D.Bichakjian - the linguistic sign: From analog to digital
Bogdan Bogdanov - Communication and understanding
Priscila M.Borges- the sign tree: Peirce's philosophy through a visual model of the 66 classes of sign
Laurence Brunet-Hunault -Le recit d'une privatisation, ou commente le discourse de presse dramatise ou enjolive une aventure economique
Patrizia Calefato - Dressing in signs: fashion theory between sociosemiotics and cultural studies.Whar name are you?
Alessia Caputo - The language of advertisment; Stefano Carlucci - Contemporaries but different; Josiane Caron - Pargue- Semiotisation et actualisation des connaissances
Giulia Ceriani - La prevision des tendances et la semiotique; V.Charissis and Marianne Patera- symbolic vs alphanumeric representations in human machine interface design
Maria Dolores Chavez Garcia - The Mexican semiosphere; Hsiang- Ju Chen, Kuo- Hsiung Lin, and Yuan -Hui Tsai.One aspect of neo -Confucian structure in decision making
Mehdi Chourou - Ethniktag: Ever - changing understanding
Vasilia Christidou,Vassilia Hatzinikita and Anastasia Dimitriou - children's understanding and use of visual codesin their drawings about environmental phenomena
ahn Chul-Sang - from death to rebirth; Camelia M.Cmeciu e' Doina Cmeciu- Manipulating communication through images
Aurel Codoban - Body of language and body as language; Benedeta Colombo - To what extent might a semiotic approach avoid misunderstanding?
Dario Compagno- Misunderstanding or misperceiving?
Anna Czekanowska- real vs.unreal, the literary vs,the musical message
Ivan Darrault Harris- Comprehension/Mecomprehension; Fabio De Leonardis>erasing the signs of the Other: Zionism and the Palestinians
Ledia Dema - Fragmentation discursive et cpmmunication litteraire
Maria Giulia Dondero- Rhetorique de l'image dans le discours scientifique; Heloisa de A.duarte Valente - a la recherche d'un temps perdu
Jesus Octavio Elizondo Martinez Stigma and visibility; Drude von der Fehr- Thomas Bernhard's infestious style; August FenkInference,reference, and indexiality
Hector Fernandez Bahillo - Understanding mysticism in music; Vladimir Feshchenko -Semiotics and the avant-garde as two ways of sign- making and sens-making
Riccardo Fusaroli - The screen and the voice; Hugo Garcia - La ontologia de los actor de habla y el problema de los universales
Pauline Escande Gauquie - L'affiche du film Pulp Fiction de Quentin Tarantino en tant que reference a un genre populaire american: Le pulp; Carlo Germeshuys e gerda Dullaart- Film editing and ideology in South African culture
Karl Gfesser- Verstehen - verstandigung ist nicht Verstandnis; Yun- Csang Ghimn - social studies of science? Semiotic studies of medicine!
Tiziana Giudice - Metaphors and imagination; Sandra Grotsch. Pets,fantastic beasts and magical creatures
Roberts Hatten- with Richard Littlefield& Charls Pearson- The linguistic concept of voice in music
Andre Helbo- Semiotique du spectacle vivant : Le corps du deni
Sai Helkala- Koivisto - The accentuated signified; Sonsoles Hernandez Barbosa - Debussy y la plastica
Drina Hocevar- An existential approuch to the analysis of Sophocles' Oedipus rex.The musical understanding of literature;
Volker Hooyberg - Seeing connections; Tomohei Hori - pentatonicism in the vocal music of Shubert's "Romantic period"
Anne-Marie Houdebine e Ekaterina Nossenko - texte-image; relais,ancrage ou complementarite?; Florian hruby - preparing the unknown; Dennis ioffe- Home somatikos and Homo ludens in Russian Modernist life-creation; Maria Jodlowiec - Relevance and misunderstanding
Year: 2009
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