Mantile, Burns
The best plays of 1909-1919 And the year book of the drama in America - New York Dodd, Mead and Company 1933 - Kapak kartoni 21 cm. 702 f. me il.
The best plays of 1909-1919-Pjeset me te mira teatrale prej vitit 1909-1919 --Artet boterore-Arti skenik - Teatri amerikan - Drama - Aktoret - Interpretimi--Artet boterore
--Teoria e artit skenik
--Teoria e drames
/ 792.028/Man.27
The best plays of 1909-1919 And the year book of the drama in America - New York Dodd, Mead and Company 1933 - Kapak kartoni 21 cm. 702 f. me il.
The best plays of 1909-1919-Pjeset me te mira teatrale prej vitit 1909-1919 --Artet boterore-Arti skenik - Teatri amerikan - Drama - Aktoret - Interpretimi--Artet boterore
--Teoria e artit skenik
--Teoria e drames
/ 792.028/Man.27