Kenyon, Max
Harpsichord Music : A Survey of the Virginals, Spinet, Harpsichord and Their Continental Equivalents; the People Who Played Upon Them; the Composers of Them; and the Music They Wrote - London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1949. - 256 f.; 22 cm.
Muzika boterore - Teoria e Muzikes - Muzika ne Klavicembalo - Virgjereshat ne Angli - Klavicemblo ne France - Cembalo ne Itali - Flugel ne Gjermani - Klavikordi ne Gjermani - Arpsikordi ne Angli - Instrumentet ne shoqeri - Kompozitoret - Muzika e tyre
/ 78:786/Ken.
/ 78:786/Ken.
Harpsichord Music : A Survey of the Virginals, Spinet, Harpsichord and Their Continental Equivalents; the People Who Played Upon Them; the Composers of Them; and the Music They Wrote - London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1949. - 256 f.; 22 cm.
Muzika boterore - Teoria e Muzikes - Muzika ne Klavicembalo - Virgjereshat ne Angli - Klavicemblo ne France - Cembalo ne Itali - Flugel ne Gjermani - Klavikordi ne Gjermani - Arpsikordi ne Angli - Instrumentet ne shoqeri - Kompozitoret - Muzika e tyre
/ 78:786/Ken.
/ 78:786/Ken.