Dvořak, Antonïn, 1841-1904,
Romantische Stucke : fur Klavier und Violine, Opus 75 = Romantic pieces for piano and violin, op. 75 / Romantic pieces for piano and violin, op. 75 Antonïn Dvořak ; herausgegeben von = edited by Milan Posp�šil ; Fingersatz der Klavierstimme von = fingering of piano part by Klaus Schilde ; mit zus�tzlicher bezeichneter Violinstimme von = with supplementary violin part marked by Kurt Guntner. - 1 score (vii, 21 pages) + 2 parts ; 31 cm
"Urtext"--Cover. Edited from the holograph (226/905) and 1st ed. in the Museum česke hudby, Anton�n Dvoř�k Fond, Prag. Preface and notes in English, French, and German.
M201804668 9790201804668
466 G. Henle Verlag HN 466 G. Henle Verlag
Violin and piano music--Scores and parts.
Violin and piano music--Scores and parts.
Muzika boterore-Muzika ceke-Partitura-Violine-Piano-Klavir-2 parte solo
Parts (Music).
Romantische Stucke : fur Klavier und Violine, Opus 75 = Romantic pieces for piano and violin, op. 75 / Romantic pieces for piano and violin, op. 75 Antonïn Dvořak ; herausgegeben von = edited by Milan Posp�šil ; Fingersatz der Klavierstimme von = fingering of piano part by Klaus Schilde ; mit zus�tzlicher bezeichneter Violinstimme von = with supplementary violin part marked by Kurt Guntner. - 1 score (vii, 21 pages) + 2 parts ; 31 cm
"Urtext"--Cover. Edited from the holograph (226/905) and 1st ed. in the Museum česke hudby, Anton�n Dvoř�k Fond, Prag. Preface and notes in English, French, and German.
M201804668 9790201804668
466 G. Henle Verlag HN 466 G. Henle Verlag
Violin and piano music--Scores and parts.
Violin and piano music--Scores and parts.
Muzika boterore-Muzika ceke-Partitura-Violine-Piano-Klavir-2 parte solo
Parts (Music).