Bach, Johann Sebastian
16 well - known original pieces : in progressive order of difficulty - with practical comments / edited and fingering by Sylvia Hewig - Troscher - Munchen: G. Henle Verlag, 2017. - 51 f.; me nota 31 cm. - At the Piano .
ISMN 9790201818160
Muzika boterore - Muzika gjermane - Muzika instrumentale - Muzika pianistike - 16 pjese origjinale te njohura - Shkalle progresive e veshtiresise - Prelude ne C maxhor - F maxhor - D maxhor - Korale "Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten" - Invencione ne E maxhor - D maxhor - Kapricio ne Bb maxhor - Aria ne G maxhor - Sinfonia ne E maxhor - F maxhor - Suita franceze - Prelude - Fuga - Partitura - Piano - Klavir - Urtext - Shqiperi
/ 786.2/Bach.
/ 786.2/Bach.
16 well - known original pieces : in progressive order of difficulty - with practical comments / edited and fingering by Sylvia Hewig - Troscher - Munchen: G. Henle Verlag, 2017. - 51 f.; me nota 31 cm. - At the Piano .
ISMN 9790201818160
Muzika boterore - Muzika gjermane - Muzika instrumentale - Muzika pianistike - 16 pjese origjinale te njohura - Shkalle progresive e veshtiresise - Prelude ne C maxhor - F maxhor - D maxhor - Korale "Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten" - Invencione ne E maxhor - D maxhor - Kapricio ne Bb maxhor - Aria ne G maxhor - Sinfonia ne E maxhor - F maxhor - Suita franceze - Prelude - Fuga - Partitura - Piano - Klavir - Urtext - Shqiperi
/ 786.2/Bach.
/ 786.2/Bach.