Giacosa, Margherita

100 fotografite qe ndryshuan boten : pergatiti per botim Margherita Giacosa, Roberto Mottadelli, Gianni Morelli / The 100 photographs that changed the world perktheu: Giselda Zaimi - Tirane: Albas, 2018.


Artet boterore - Arti vizual - Fotografia - Albume - Fotografet boterore - Andrew J. Russell - Henri Roger Viollet - John T. Daniels - Erich Lessing - Evarts Tracy - Grigori Goldstein - Walter Bosshard - Dorothea Lagne - Robert Capa - W. Eugene Smith - Henry Miller - Charles Levy - Alfred Eisenstaedt - etj

/ 77.03(100)/Gia.

/ 77.03(100)/Gia.
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
Projekt i realizuar më Tetor, 2011.
Powered by: Koha
Developed by: Erjon Sulaj