Clive, Peter
Schubert and his world : a biographical dictionary - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. - 310 f.; 24.5 cm.
019816582 - X
Muzika boterore - Muzika austriake - Kompozitoret austriake - Franz Schubert - Biografia - Jeta - Shoqeria dhe bashkepunetoret - 300 shenime biografike mbi miqte shubertian - Gjuha angleze
/ 929/Shub.
/ 929/Shub.
Schubert and his world : a biographical dictionary - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. - 310 f.; 24.5 cm.
019816582 - X
Muzika boterore - Muzika austriake - Kompozitoret austriake - Franz Schubert - Biografia - Jeta - Shoqeria dhe bashkepunetoret - 300 shenime biografike mbi miqte shubertian - Gjuha angleze
/ 929/Shub.
/ 929/Shub.