
Η ΨΑΛΤΙΚΗ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ ΤΥΠΙΚΟΥ=I PSALTIKI PARADOSI TON AKOLOUTHION TOU VYZANTINOU TYPIKOU The Psaltic tradition of the Akolouthiai according to the Byzantine Typikon of the Great Church Institute of Bizantine Musiccology Studies - Athens: 2001 - 354f.: me il.' 25cm.


--Artet boterore

--Arti bizantin

--Muzika kishtare

--Doreshkrime muzikore


Doreshkrime muzikore-arti bizantin-muzika kishtare-psalmet-Typikon-rregullat tipike-tempulli patriakal-Papadiki-tradita -arti psaltik-studime


/ 78.03/Bal
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
Projekt i realizuar më Tetor, 2011.
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