Designing the 21 st Century Design des 21. jahrhunderts Le design du 21 siecle
- Koln Taschen 2001
- 25 cm. 575 f. me ilustrime
Edited by Charlotte and Peter Fiell
3 8228 5883 8
Designing the 21st Century --Arti vizual - Arti bashkekohor - Grafika e aplikuar - Dizajni -Minimalizmi - Shek. 21--Artet boterore
/ 766.038/Dis.54
Edited by Charlotte and Peter Fiell
3 8228 5883 8
Designing the 21st Century --Arti vizual - Arti bashkekohor - Grafika e aplikuar - Dizajni -Minimalizmi - Shek. 21--Artet boterore
/ 766.038/Dis.54