John Cage / herausgegeben von Heinz-Klaus Metzger u. Rainer Riehn. - Munchen : Edition Text und Kritik, 1978- - v. : ill. ; 23 cm. - Musik-Konzepte. 1 Sonderband. .

Cover title. Some text in English.

Bibliiography and discography included in each vol.

3921402697 3883773158

79343253 /MN/r85


Cage, John--Criticism and interpretation.

Muzika boterore -Teoria e muzikes - Kritika - Interpretimi - Forma muzikore kontemporane - Teoria e muzikes - Kritika - Interpretimi - Forma muzikore kontemporane - Teknologjia muzikore - Shah - Xhon Geixh - Forma muzikore kontemporane - Teknologjia muzikore - Shah - Xhon Geixh -

780/.92/4 / 78/Mus.
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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