ANAS Nr.13/2018 : Studia humanitatis / - Shkup: Instituti Alb - Shkenca, 2018. - 119 f.; 23.5 cm.


--Letersia shqipe--Gjuha shqipe--Revista Anas

Revista Anas - Studime kulturore Zeqirja Neziri - Procesi i globalizmit dhe studimet historike letrare shqiptare - The process of globalization and historical studies of albanian literature Mustafa Ibrahimi - Identiteti arberesh perballe globalizmit - Arberesh identity versus globalization Lirim Sulko - Analogjia, forme e funksionimit ne romanin ''Pallati i Endrrave" - Analogy, as form of function in the novel "Palace of Dream Mirela Papa - Fjalori dhe perkthimi - The dictionary and translation Kosovare Krasniqi - Kosova ne poezine e Rilindjes Kombetare - Kosovo in the poetry of National Renaissance Gani Pllana - Hartimi i fjaloreve te termave baze teknike (mekanike, ndertim, elektrike - The drafting of dictionaries of basic technical terms (mechanics, civil engineering, electrical) Bade Bajrami - Kur termat gjuhesore nuk perkojne - When the linguistic terms do not coincide Farketa Dibra Zeqiri - Leximi, nje mision i rendesishem i botes bashkekohore - Reading, an important mission of the contemporary world Neli Naco - Memorja kulturore ne rrefimet e Mitrush Kutelit - Cultural memory in Mitrush Kuteli's stories Buharaja, Edmond - Diaspora muzikore arbere pergjate humanizmit - Musical arber diaspora during humanism Shqiperi

/ 05/Ana.

/ 05/Ana.
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
Projekt i realizuar më Tetor, 2011.
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