Carter, David E.
The big book of logos - New York Harper Design International 2003 - 28 cm. 385 f. me ilustrime
Book design Suzanna M.W. Brown
Production & Layout Kristin J. Back
0 06 055808 3
The big book of logos --Arti vizual - Vizatimi - Teknikat - Logot-Design-Dizajni--Shqiperi--Artet boterore
/ 766/Big
The big book of logos - New York Harper Design International 2003 - 28 cm. 385 f. me ilustrime
Book design Suzanna M.W. Brown
Production & Layout Kristin J. Back
0 06 055808 3
The big book of logos --Arti vizual - Vizatimi - Teknikat - Logot-Design-Dizajni--Shqiperi--Artet boterore
/ 766/Big