Clark, Kenneth, 1903-1983.

Le Nu The nude; a study in ideal form. - Paris: Le Livre de Poche 1969 - 398f.: me il. ; 16.5cm. - A.W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts, v. . - Bollingen series ; 35. A.W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts ; 2. .

Includes index.



--Artet boterore

--Arti vizual

--Artiset boterore

Nude in art.--Nudo ne art

Arti grek-nudizmi-skulptura-piktura-arti i antikitetit-arti greko-roman Piktura-analiza-historia


/ 7.03/Cla
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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