Jacob, Gordon, 1895-1984.
Orchestral technique : a manual for students / by Gordon Jacob. - 3rd ed. - London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1982. - 100 p. : music ; 22 cm.
Includes index.
0193182041 (pbk.)
Instrumentation and orchestration.
Muzika boterore - Teoria e muzikes - Teknika orkestrale - Manual per studente Teknika orkestrale -Instumenatacioni - Orkestracioni - Manual per studente
/ 781.63/Jac.
Orchestral technique : a manual for students / by Gordon Jacob. - 3rd ed. - London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1982. - 100 p. : music ; 22 cm.
Includes index.
0193182041 (pbk.)
Instrumentation and orchestration.
Muzika boterore - Teoria e muzikes - Teknika orkestrale - Manual per studente Teknika orkestrale -Instumenatacioni - Orkestracioni - Manual per studente
/ 781.63/Jac.