Hayward, Philip.

The pop music business / [Philip Hayward ; editor, Tim Byrne ; designer, David Armitage]. - Reference ed. - New York : M. Cavendish, 1989. - 48 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. - The Media .

Includes index.

Bibliography: p. 46.

Explores the content and method of presentation of the pop music business as one of the media and the effect these have on our lives.

0863079784 : $13.95 0863079733 (set.) : $79.95


Music trade--Juvenile literature.
Popular music--History and criticism--Juvenile literature.
Sound recording industry--Juvenile literature.
Music trade.
Popular music--History and criticism.
Sound recording industry.

Muzika boterore - Teoria e muzikes - Tregetare te muzikes - Botuesit e muzikes Muzika boterore - Teoria e muzikes - Muzika popullore - Historia -Kritika Muzika boterore - Teoria e muzikes - Muzika popullore -Muzike per te mitur Muzika boterore - Teoria e muzikes - Muzika popullore - Botuesit -Industria e rregjsitrimit

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