All the tunes you've ever wanted to play : for B flat instruments including Clarinet, Trumpet, Cornet and Tenor Sax / - Great Britain : Kevin Mayhew Ltd. , 1995 . - 30.5 cm. . 48 f. : me nota ; - 2 .

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Partitura - Klarinete. Muzika boterore. Muzike per klarinete - Pjese. Pjese - Miniatura per klarinete solo ne B flat ose korno, trombe dhe saksofon tenor - Parti solo. Kompozitoret boterore - Bah - Brams - Shubert - Rubinshtein - Johan Shtraus - Cezar Frank...

/ 788.6/All.
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
Projekt i realizuar më Tetor, 2011.
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