Borta men hemma : nordisk samtidskonst i gränslandet : Moderna museet Stockholm, 22 januari-13 mars 1994 /
[katalogredaktion, Bo Nilsson, Evalena Lidman].
- Stockholm : Moderna museet, [1994]
- 54 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 21 x 24 cm.
- Moderna Museets katalog ; nr 258 .
- Moderna museets utställningskatalog ; nr 258. .
"Norden i Stockholm 5-13 mars 1994."
Exhibition featured the work of Björk (Gudmundsdottir, an Icelandic singer), Claus Carstensen, Sverre Wyller, Marianna Uutinen and Lars Nilsson (born 1956 in Stockholm).
--Artet boterore
--Arti vizual
--Arti modern
Art, Scandinavian--20th century-Shekulli i 20-te--Exhibitions-Ekspozita
--Artiste boterore
Arti skandinav-Bjork-fotografia-arti abstrakt-arti bashkekohor
/ 7.036/Bor
"Norden i Stockholm 5-13 mars 1994."
Exhibition featured the work of Björk (Gudmundsdottir, an Icelandic singer), Claus Carstensen, Sverre Wyller, Marianna Uutinen and Lars Nilsson (born 1956 in Stockholm).
--Artet boterore
--Arti vizual
--Arti modern
Art, Scandinavian--20th century-Shekulli i 20-te--Exhibitions-Ekspozita
--Artiste boterore
Arti skandinav-Bjork-fotografia-arti abstrakt-arti bashkekohor
/ 7.036/Bor