Crofut, Bill.
Troubadour; a different battlefield, by William Crofut. Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy. - [1st ed.] - New York, E.P. Dutton, 1968. - 283 p. illus., map, ports. 22 cm.
67011385 /MN
Singers--United States--Biography.
Voyages and travels.
Muzika boterore - Muzika vokale - Kengetaret amerikan te folkut
784/.0922 / 78/Cro.
Troubadour; a different battlefield, by William Crofut. Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy. - [1st ed.] - New York, E.P. Dutton, 1968. - 283 p. illus., map, ports. 22 cm.
67011385 /MN
Singers--United States--Biography.
Voyages and travels.
Muzika boterore - Muzika vokale - Kengetaret amerikan te folkut
784/.0922 / 78/Cro.