Berkson, Robert.

Musical theater choreography : a practical method for preparing and staging dance in a musical show / Robert Berkson. - New York : Back Stage Books, 1990. - vii, 199 p. : ill., music ; 23 cm.

Includes index.

0823075826 : $16.95


Musicals--Production and direction.

--Teoria e artit skenik

Arti Boteror- Teatri muzikor- Teoria -Koreografia - Metoda - Muzikal shou Arti Boteror- Teatri muzikor- Teoria -Koreografia - Metoda praktike -Mjuzikell shou Arti Boteror- Teatri muzikor- Teoria -Koreografia - Metoda praktike -Mjuzikell shou Koreografia- Muzike zbavitese- Komedi - Teoria


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