Abstraction and reality : the sculpture of Ivor Roberts-Jones / Sculpture of Ivor Roberts-Jones. Jonathan Black, Sara Ayres. - London: Philip Wilson Publishers, 2013 - 318 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), portraits ; 28 cm.

Includes a catalogue raisonn©♭.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 311-313) and index.

9781781300107 (hbk.) 1781300100 (hbk.)

GBB393269 bnb

016516245 Uk

Roberts-Jones, Ivor, 1913-1996.
Roberts-Jones, Ivor, 1913-1996 --Artet boterore--Catalogues raisonn©♭s-kataloge

--Arti vizual-skulpture

--Arti modern


--Artiste angleze

Skulptore angleze-Robert-Xhons-biografia-analiza-teknika-arti bashkekohor-vizatimi


/ 73.03/Rob
Universiteti i Arteve, Tiranë
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