Outerbridge, Paul, (1896-1958)

Paul Outerbridge : 1896-1958 / essay by Elaine Dines-Cox with Carol McCusker ; a personal portrait by M.F. Agha ; edited by Manfred Heiting. - New York: Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 2017 - 255 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm.

Originally published in 1999.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 252-255).

Paul Outerbridge, Jr. / M.F. Agha -- Directorial modernist : the life and art of Paul Outerbridge / Elaine Dines-Cox with Carol McCusker -- The Carbo Process / Paul Outerbridge -- Biography.

Parallel text in English, French and German.

3836564564 9783836564564

Outerbridge, Paul.

--Artet boterore

--Arti vizual

Photography, Artistic.--Fotografia
Photography of the nude.--Fotografia-nudo
Still-life photography.--Arti modern

--Artiste amerikane--Amerike

Fotografe amerikane-Autbrixh-analiza-biografia-teknika-nudizmi-fotografia me ngjyra


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