Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding Vol.3 P-Z procesedings of the 9th Congress of the IASS?AIS - Helsinki -Umatra: 11-17 June, 2007
Eero Tarasti dhe Richaerd Littlefield
- Helsinki International Semiotic Institute,Imatra Semiotic Society of Finland 2009
- 1975 il 21 cm.
Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Semiologjia Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Artikuj studimor mbi muzikologjine Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Metodologjia - Analiza logjistike - Simbolet Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Semiologjia - Semiotika Nanta Novello Paglianti - Les parcours de la comprehension et de la mecomprehension dans les ceuvres de l'Art Brut. Ana Paixao - Art poetique musical, art compositionnel litteraire; Maria Papadopoulou- Knowing and Guessing: In what ways do children approach the meaning of signs? Gabriel Pareyon - A fractal conjecture of language- Charls Pearson with Robert Hatten and Richard Osmo Pekonon - Le Lion de FinlaNDE: COMMINIQUER L'IDENTITE D'UNE NATION MNORDIQUE Elena Penskaya - The semiotic characteristics of Russian fine art. Susan Petrilli e Augusto Ponzio- Adam Schaff: From semantics to political semiotics The semiotic animal- massimo Bonfantini,Susan Petrilli, and Augusto Ponzio- Semiotics and dialogue between logic and ethics. Susan Petrilli - Symbol, logic and signification; Lidia A. Mazhul & Vladimir M.Petrov - Understanding communication and the wealth of the mental worldI Vladimir M.Petrov - Understanding communication and the wealth of the mental worldII Vesa Matteo Piludu - songs and rituals of the bear hunt in Karelia and savo; Augusto ponzio - On communication- Semanalyse et semiotique chez Julia Kristeva Mihaela Popescu - Une forme de citation atypique dans la presse ecrite roumaine; Carlos Prieto e Andrea Magnasco - Cuando el cine va e la tapa: Un recorrido por las revista del siglo XX; eric Prince- Narratives of crime without punishment; How to value rules Eric Prince- Narratives of crime without punishment: How to value rules;Kristen Marie Raahauge - the landscape, the city, and the house Juan Daniel Ramirez Garrido e Beatriz Macias Gomez- Stern: Literacy in Baroque society Georgeta Rata,Cornelia Petroman, and Ioan Petroman: Understanding agricultural terminology Camilla Reestorff e Pernille Steffensen: Schizophrenic narration Dagmar Rieger: Insallah - As God wills; Partyli Rinne - Towards a philosophy of love; A philosophical defense. Mayra Rodrigues Gomes- The writings of censorship: An exercise in implicitation; Nathalie Roelens: La censure comme un cas de meprise communicationnelle. Nathalie Roelens: La censure comme un cas de meprise communication Jose Romero: Analisis de las caricatures publicades por el Diario El Universal durante el periodo noviembre 2002 - febrero 2003: Una mirada antropologica Paola Rosato - Pertinence and competence levels in understanding/misunderstanding music Andy Ruddock.we 're glad it's all over: Binge- drinking cultures; Antonella Russo: writing utopias: Imagining other worlds Antti Salminen: Sign of the impossible - Semiotics of paradox; Mathieu Schneider- De la non comprehension comme categorie de l'humour romantique Antti Salminen: Sign of the impossible - Semiotics of paradox; Mathieu Schneider- De la non comprehension comme categorie de l'humour romantique.;
Karl erik Schollhammer- A walk in the invisible city Marc-Oliver-Schuster- Understanding bi-paradigmatic irony as postmodern signication
Klaus Schwarzfischer- the semiotic attractors that determine recognitation in advertising
Rachel Seh Anden - entente/ mesentente au cameroun entre l'homme et la femme par rapport a La Journee International de la Femme Marc-Oliver-Schuster- Understanding bi-paradigmatic irony as postmodern signication
Klaus Schwarzfischer- the semiotic attractors that determine recognitation in advertising
Rachel Seh Anden - entente/ mesentente au cameroun entre l'homme et la femme par rapport a La Journee International de la Femme Farouk Y.Seif- communication in the age of the Great Turning.; Abhijit Sen - The semiotics of Bollywood movies
Elena e Alexei Shmelev- Understanding and misunderstanding of Russian canned jokes.
Alexei Shmelev, Irina Levontina, and Anna Zalizniaki- Linguistic sources of misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication.
Katrina Siivonen - Culture as anthroposemiosis;
Tom Sjoblom - Palaeolithic cave- painting as cognitive maps;
Abraham Solomonick - Why language sign-systems are the most popular of all sign -systems
song Hyosup - Mythical thinking and anti-mythical thibnking; two sematic models.; Irma Sorvali - Can dolls communicate? some semiotic aspects of dolls and their clothing.
Wojciech Stepien - Understanding Rautavaara's angels.
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Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Semiologjia Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Artikuj studimor mbi muzikologjine Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Metodologjia - Analiza logjistike - Simbolet Muzika boterore- Etnomuzikologjia - Semiologjia - Semiotika Nanta Novello Paglianti - Les parcours de la comprehension et de la mecomprehension dans les ceuvres de l'Art Brut. Ana Paixao - Art poetique musical, art compositionnel litteraire; Maria Papadopoulou- Knowing and Guessing: In what ways do children approach the meaning of signs? Gabriel Pareyon - A fractal conjecture of language- Charls Pearson with Robert Hatten and Richard Osmo Pekonon - Le Lion de FinlaNDE: COMMINIQUER L'IDENTITE D'UNE NATION MNORDIQUE Elena Penskaya - The semiotic characteristics of Russian fine art. Susan Petrilli e Augusto Ponzio- Adam Schaff: From semantics to political semiotics The semiotic animal- massimo Bonfantini,Susan Petrilli, and Augusto Ponzio- Semiotics and dialogue between logic and ethics. Susan Petrilli - Symbol, logic and signification; Lidia A. Mazhul & Vladimir M.Petrov - Understanding communication and the wealth of the mental worldI Vladimir M.Petrov - Understanding communication and the wealth of the mental worldII Vesa Matteo Piludu - songs and rituals of the bear hunt in Karelia and savo; Augusto ponzio - On communication- Semanalyse et semiotique chez Julia Kristeva Mihaela Popescu - Une forme de citation atypique dans la presse ecrite roumaine; Carlos Prieto e Andrea Magnasco - Cuando el cine va e la tapa: Un recorrido por las revista del siglo XX; eric Prince- Narratives of crime without punishment; How to value rules Eric Prince- Narratives of crime without punishment: How to value rules;Kristen Marie Raahauge - the landscape, the city, and the house Juan Daniel Ramirez Garrido e Beatriz Macias Gomez- Stern: Literacy in Baroque society Georgeta Rata,Cornelia Petroman, and Ioan Petroman: Understanding agricultural terminology Camilla Reestorff e Pernille Steffensen: Schizophrenic narration Dagmar Rieger: Insallah - As God wills; Partyli Rinne - Towards a philosophy of love; A philosophical defense. Mayra Rodrigues Gomes- The writings of censorship: An exercise in implicitation; Nathalie Roelens: La censure comme un cas de meprise communicationnelle. Nathalie Roelens: La censure comme un cas de meprise communication Jose Romero: Analisis de las caricatures publicades por el Diario El Universal durante el periodo noviembre 2002 - febrero 2003: Una mirada antropologica Paola Rosato - Pertinence and competence levels in understanding/misunderstanding music Andy Ruddock.we 're glad it's all over: Binge- drinking cultures; Antonella Russo: writing utopias: Imagining other worlds Antti Salminen: Sign of the impossible - Semiotics of paradox; Mathieu Schneider- De la non comprehension comme categorie de l'humour romantique Antti Salminen: Sign of the impossible - Semiotics of paradox; Mathieu Schneider- De la non comprehension comme categorie de l'humour romantique.;
Karl erik Schollhammer- A walk in the invisible city Marc-Oliver-Schuster- Understanding bi-paradigmatic irony as postmodern signication
Klaus Schwarzfischer- the semiotic attractors that determine recognitation in advertising
Rachel Seh Anden - entente/ mesentente au cameroun entre l'homme et la femme par rapport a La Journee International de la Femme Marc-Oliver-Schuster- Understanding bi-paradigmatic irony as postmodern signication
Klaus Schwarzfischer- the semiotic attractors that determine recognitation in advertising
Rachel Seh Anden - entente/ mesentente au cameroun entre l'homme et la femme par rapport a La Journee International de la Femme Farouk Y.Seif- communication in the age of the Great Turning.; Abhijit Sen - The semiotics of Bollywood movies
Elena e Alexei Shmelev- Understanding and misunderstanding of Russian canned jokes.
Alexei Shmelev, Irina Levontina, and Anna Zalizniaki- Linguistic sources of misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication.
Katrina Siivonen - Culture as anthroposemiosis;
Tom Sjoblom - Palaeolithic cave- painting as cognitive maps;
Abraham Solomonick - Why language sign-systems are the most popular of all sign -systems
song Hyosup - Mythical thinking and anti-mythical thibnking; two sematic models.; Irma Sorvali - Can dolls communicate? some semiotic aspects of dolls and their clothing.
Wojciech Stepien - Understanding Rautavaara's angels.
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