Hutcheon, Linda ;
Poetika e Postmodernizmit : Historia, Poetika, Fiksioni / A Poetics of Postmodernism - Prishtine : " OM " , 2013 . - 20.5 cm. . 352 f. ,
978 9951 632 12 6
Letersia - Teoria - Poetika e postmodernizmit. Poetika - Studime. Letersia - Shqyrtimi enciklopedik - Identifikimi i risive. Historia.
/ 82.09/Hut.97
Poetika e Postmodernizmit : Historia, Poetika, Fiksioni / A Poetics of Postmodernism - Prishtine : " OM " , 2013 . - 20.5 cm. . 352 f. ,
978 9951 632 12 6
Letersia - Teoria - Poetika e postmodernizmit. Poetika - Studime. Letersia - Shqyrtimi enciklopedik - Identifikimi i risive. Historia.
/ 82.09/Hut.97