Quaderni dell'Instituto Liszt 12 :
- Milano : Rugginenti , 2012 .
- 21 cm. . 167 f. :
- 12 .
978 88 7665 633 0
Muzika boterore - Muzika hungareze. Teoria e muzikes. Studime - Analiza - Artikuj. Adaptimi i formes se sonates Betoviane ne kompozimet e Listit. Poeme Simfonike - Post analize dhe introduksion. Koncepte ne organizimet tonale te danset dhe baladat e Shopen dhe List. Kromatiku i trete - Oktava simetrike te ndara ne hapesiren e nje shkalle - Studime - Analiza. Poeme Simfonike - Post analiza dhe introduksioni i ceshtjeve te meta analizes. Dy letra nga Masne "Massenet" me korespodentet italiane. Muzikologet boterore - Serge Gut - Michael Saffle - Konstantin Zenkin - Shigeru Fujita - Costas Tsougras - Jean-Michel Branger. Kolana e Listit - Vol.12. Serge Gut .L'adaptation de la forme sonate beethovenienne dans certaines aeuvres du Liszt de la maturite.
Michael Saffle:Liszt Symphonic Poems
Konstantin Zenkin: Fluidity of structures in muzic of Franz Liszt
Shigeru Fujita: Interloking Directional tonality
Costas tsougras: Chromatic third relations,symmetrical octave dicision and paths in Pitch Space: Analytical study of Franz Liszt's
Rossana dalmonte Shay Loya,Liszt's transcultural Modernism and the Hungarian- Gypsy tradition,2011
Jonathan kregor, Liszt as transcriber,2010 Serge Gut .L'adaptation de la forme sonate beethovenienne dans certaines aeuvres du Liszt de la maturite.
Michael Saffle:Liszt Symphonic Poems
Konstantin Zenkin: Fluidity of structures in muzic of Franz Liszt
Shigeru Fujita: Interloking Directional tonality
Costas tsougras: Chromatic third relations,symmetrical octave dicision and paths in Pitch Space: Analytical study of Franz Liszt's
Michael Saffle.Liszt's Symphonic Poems: Past analyses amn Muzikologet boterore - Serge Gut - Michael Saffle - Konstantin Zenkin - Shigeru Fujita - Costas Tsougras - Jean-Michel Branger. Muzikologet boterore - Serge Gut - Michael Saffle - Konstantin Zenkin - Shigeru Fujita - Costas Tsougras - Jean-Michel Branger.
/ 781/Lis.
978 88 7665 633 0
Muzika boterore - Muzika hungareze. Teoria e muzikes. Studime - Analiza - Artikuj. Adaptimi i formes se sonates Betoviane ne kompozimet e Listit. Poeme Simfonike - Post analize dhe introduksion. Koncepte ne organizimet tonale te danset dhe baladat e Shopen dhe List. Kromatiku i trete - Oktava simetrike te ndara ne hapesiren e nje shkalle - Studime - Analiza. Poeme Simfonike - Post analiza dhe introduksioni i ceshtjeve te meta analizes. Dy letra nga Masne "Massenet" me korespodentet italiane. Muzikologet boterore - Serge Gut - Michael Saffle - Konstantin Zenkin - Shigeru Fujita - Costas Tsougras - Jean-Michel Branger. Kolana e Listit - Vol.12. Serge Gut .L'adaptation de la forme sonate beethovenienne dans certaines aeuvres du Liszt de la maturite.
Michael Saffle:Liszt Symphonic Poems
Konstantin Zenkin: Fluidity of structures in muzic of Franz Liszt
Shigeru Fujita: Interloking Directional tonality
Costas tsougras: Chromatic third relations,symmetrical octave dicision and paths in Pitch Space: Analytical study of Franz Liszt's
Rossana dalmonte Shay Loya,Liszt's transcultural Modernism and the Hungarian- Gypsy tradition,2011
Jonathan kregor, Liszt as transcriber,2010 Serge Gut .L'adaptation de la forme sonate beethovenienne dans certaines aeuvres du Liszt de la maturite.
Michael Saffle:Liszt Symphonic Poems
Konstantin Zenkin: Fluidity of structures in muzic of Franz Liszt
Shigeru Fujita: Interloking Directional tonality
Costas tsougras: Chromatic third relations,symmetrical octave dicision and paths in Pitch Space: Analytical study of Franz Liszt's
Michael Saffle.Liszt's Symphonic Poems: Past analyses amn Muzikologet boterore - Serge Gut - Michael Saffle - Konstantin Zenkin - Shigeru Fujita - Costas Tsougras - Jean-Michel Branger. Muzikologet boterore - Serge Gut - Michael Saffle - Konstantin Zenkin - Shigeru Fujita - Costas Tsougras - Jean-Michel Branger.
/ 781/Lis.